
Showing posts from June, 2016

Wholemeal Blueberry muffins

Ingredients 100g wholemeal self raising flour 100g soft brown sugar 2 medium eggs 100g coconut oil (melted in microwave, warm) 50g fresh blueberries Pre heat oven at Gas Mark 4 (180 degrees C) Whisk together oil, eggs, and sugar until thoroughly blended and thickening. Whisk in the flour Fold in the washed blueberries Put spoonfuls in cake cases/muffin cases allowing for space to rise. Place tray in preheated oven. Bake for 15-20 mins checking they don't get too brown. Cool. Eat. Give some to your hamster Disclaimer: we accept no responsibility for your muffin failures . Advert..Choccy approves of labour-saving devices