Roast potatoes (vegetarian) who needs goose fat?

Roast Potatoes: Fluffy Inside, Crispy Outside

Never mind the gravy, where are those spuds???
No messing about, yummy spuds.
  1. Take as many potatoes as you need. 
  2. Cut up the washed potatoes, skins on, and place in a steamer. 
  3. Preheat oven to its maximum temperature. 
  4. Steam potatoes until cooked. 
  5. Stand the steamer on a baking tray. 
  6. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over the potatoes so it dribbles into the baking tray. 
  7. Tip out the potatoes onto the tray. 
  8. Season with sea salt and black pepper. 
  9. Place tray in hot oven.
  10. Cook for about 10-15 minutes until golden and crisping around the corners.
  11. Serve.


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